A guided ocean pelagic birding trip
Conserve Eden invites you to take part on a pelagic birding trip! The trip will be guided by Cape Nature Senior Marine Ranger Channel Visser, and ornithologist Mark Brown. Spring is a great time to see pelagic birds in Plett, and we will do our best to find a range of species for participants to enjoy. Chances are good we could see an albatross or two, gannets, cormorants, terns, some shearwaters, petrels, and maybe even a storm-petrel! Launching at Central Beach in Plett, we will head out into the Bay for a few kilometres out to sea to try encounter some pelagic friends.
A portion of the funds will be used to cover costs incurred by members of the Plett Stranding Network, a group of passionate professionals and volunteers who do their best to assist and rescue stranded marine animals, including cetaceans, seals, birds and turtles when reported on our beaches.